If you want to make money online, you need to understand the basics of internet marketing. You need to build a strong foundation. There are a lot of different elements involved in internet marketing and if you want to succeed, learn the basics first. To help you see the big picture, here is a brief guide outlining the process of how to make money online.
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Posted in: Featured, Internet Marketing
Targeted internet marketing is all about getting the right visitors to the right place. In the world of internet marketing, that means finding people that are actually interested in the subject matter of your website and getting them to your website.
Targeted internet marketing starts even before you build your website. You need to use the same keywords on your website that your potential customers will use to find what they’re looking for. Typically, when a person wants to find something on the internet, they go to a search engine, such as Google, or Yahoo, type in what they want and the search engine gives them the results. You want your website to be at the top of those results. To get to the top, you need to understand search engine optimization, also known as SEO.
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Posted in: SEO
There’s a lot of discussion in the internet marketing community about choosing domain names. Some people think it’s very important. Some people think your overall marketing strategy is much more important. The truth is they’re both right.
Choosing a domain name should NOT be your first step when you decide to create an online presence. Your first step should be to research the market you’ll be entering and find keywords. Keywords are simply words or phrases that people type into search engines to find what they want.
Let’s look at domain names from 3 different perspectives:
1. Search Engine Optimization
2. Branding
3. The Real World
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Posted in: Website Development