How to Install WordPress on 1and1 (Manually) [Video]

Most hosting companies have a 1-click installation for WordPress.
Unfortunately, 1and1 doesn’t. You have to manually install WordPress, as far as I can tell.
Navigating through the 1and1 control panel has always been a challenge for me. That’s why I left them years ago (except for my domain names).
I had an online marketing client that didn’t want to leave 1and1 so I thought I’d make this video for any other people trying to install WordPress on 1and1.
If for some reason, you need to do a manual installation of WordPress on your hosting account, especially on 1and1, here’s how it’s done.
1. Download a copy of WordPress from
2. Login to 1and1 and on your control panel under Domains and Web Space, click on “MySQL Administration.”
3. On the next screen, click on “New Database.”
4. Enter a description and a new password for your new database.
5. Make sure you copy your password, you’ll need it.
6. Hit “Set Up.”
7. The database takes about 5 minutes to setup, according to 1and1.
8. Make sure you copy down all of the information about your database because you will need it in the next step.
9. Click on the WordPress file you just downloaded from and open the file called wp-config-sample.php with a text editor safe for editing code.
10.Copy and paste in the new db_name, the db_user, the db_password and the db_host.
11. Save the file as wp-config.php in the WordPress folder.
12. Upload all of the files located in the WordPress folder to the proper directory on 1and1 (Make sure the directory is empty before you upload the files).
13. Go to and complete the information for your site.
14. Make sure you copy down your Username and Password as you will need it to login to your new site.
15. Click “Install WordPress.”
16. On the next screen click on “Log In” and enter your Username and Password.
17. Once you hit “Log In,” that should bring you to your dashboard where you can control all the settings for your website.
If you use this manual install for a hosting company other than 1and1, you probably won’t need to change the db_host, as most hosting companies use ‘localhost’ for the db_host.
If this video helped, feel free to share it via Twitter, Facebook or Google+.
I was having real problems with installing wordpress on 1and1, forums/googles later I’ve managed it, thank you. 1and1 do have a 1 click install but using that you are unable to update wordpress. Thanks again
Yeah, last time I checked they had some sort of stripped down version that doesn’t have all the functions of a “full” WordPress installation. Glad you worked it out.