How to Change Your Life in 19 Seconds

Sometimes, people complicate things unnecessarily. It’s a good excuse for their lack of success.
“I don’t know how.” “I couldn’t do that.” “That won’t work.” Have you ever used these phrases? I know I have. But, it’s not something I’ve done lately because if I want something to happen, I make it happen.
If you truly want something in life, whether business or personal, there is a very simple way to get it.
That’s right, ask for what you want. In fact, sometimes it’s better to just tell people what you want. Forget about asking.
If you want people to buy your latest and greatest product, tell them exactly how they can buy it.
If you want a new client, tell them how you can can help them and ask them if they want your help.
I’m not suggesting you become that douchebag that goes around annoying everyone trying to hawk a bunch of useless crap. Be smart about it but don’t forget that sometimes all you have to do is ask.
A perfect example – Sgt. Scott Moore of the U.S. Marines.
Sgt. Moore wanted to take Mila Kunis to the Marine Corp Ball. Now, for those of you who don’t know, Mila Kunis is a famous actress and I’m sure there are hundreds, if not thousands, of Marines that would love to take Mila to the Ball.
So, what did Sgt Moore do? He made a 19 second video asking Mila to go to the Ball with him and he posted it to YouTube. That’s it. Nothing fancy. Nothing special. But, guess what? IT WORKED! She said yes.
Is it a little crazy? Yes. Will they get married and live happily ever after? I doubt it, but the point is – he wanted something, he asked for it in a creative, respectful way, and he got what he wanted (unless she changes her mind before November).
I’m sure that people will try to take advantage of this by uploading all kinds of stupid celebrity requests to YouTube, which probably won’t work, but the circumstances were right for him at the time and it worked out.
Keep it simple – tell people what you want. Ask for what you want. Be creative. Think outside of the box and, who knows, you could change your life in 19 seconds.