Archive for Keyword Research

16 Aug 2010

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for Targeting Competitive Keywords">Strategic Internet Marketing for Targeting Competitive Keywords

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for Targeting Competitive Keywords">No Comments Internet Marketing, Keyword Research

Let’s say you are passionate about a subject that happens to be a very competitive market on the internet.  Or, you’re not interested in creating a hundred niche websites about various topics that you could care less about.  Perhaps you own a business and you want to market your website on the internet in a very competitive market.  Whatever the case may be, there is hope for you and your website.


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28 Jun 2010

Find Keywords Using Free Keyword Tools

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This video shows you how to use the Google Keyword Tool along with free SEO tools from SEO Book.   If you use the tools together on a Firefox Browser, it makes it easy to check the strength of competition for any keywords you’re considering.

28 Jun 2010

Keyword Research Using the Google Keyword Tool

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This video shows how to set up and use the Google Keyword Tool.  The Google Keyword Tool is a very important tool that gives you information you can use to get traffic to your website.  If you want another great tool that pulls information from Google and makes keyword research a lot easier, check out Micro Niche Finder.

26 Jun 2010

Choosing Keywords : Find Keywords that will Generate Traffic

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In the world of internet marketing, there is nothing better than free website traffic.  Free website traffic means more sales, and more sales means more revenue.  Choosing the right keywords is the best way to generate website traffic.  There are many opinions on choosing good keywords, but it’s crucial to learn the basics first.

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08 Jun 2010

Ezine Articles Marketing Directory – The Forgotten Tool for Niche Research

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Most people involved in the internet marketing world know that article marketing is important for making money online with a website.  But, most people forget that article marketing directories are also good for conducting niche research.

Let’s take a look at  Ezine Articles is one of the strongest article directories on the internet and it also has some of the most powerful tools for performing niche research.

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28 May 2010

Targeted Internet Marketing and Keywords

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Targeted internet marketing is all about getting the right visitors to the right place.  In the world of internet marketing, that means finding people that are actually interested in the subject matter of your website and getting them to your website.

Targeted internet marketing starts even before you build your website.  You need to use the same keywords on your website that your potential customers will use to find what they’re looking for.  Typically, when a person wants to find something on the internet, they go to a search engine, such as Google, or Yahoo, type in what they want and the search engine gives them the results.  You want your website to be at the top of those results.  To get to the top, you need to understand search engine optimization, also known as SEO.

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20 May 2010

Niche Ideas in a Recession

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You never know where your next idea will come from.  It could come to you while you’re sitting on the toilet or watching a movie.  Don’t use the economy as an excuse, because people are still buying things.  However, the things that they are buying change from time to time.  Check out this list of 10 things that people can’t live without from US News.

The Top 5

1. Portable Computers
2. High-speed Internet Access
3. Smartphones
4. Education
5. Movies

15 May 2010

Choosing a Domain Name – Dashes or No Dashes

5 Comments Keyword Research, SEO, Website Development

There’s a lot of discussion in the internet marketing community about choosing domain names.  Some people think it’s very important.  Some people think your overall marketing strategy is much more important.  The truth is they’re both right.

Choosing a domain name should NOT be your first step when you decide to create an online presence.  Your first step should be to research the market you’ll be entering and find keywords.  Keywords are simply words or phrases that people type into search engines to find what they want.

Let’s look at domain names from 3 different perspectives:

1. Search Engine Optimization
2. Branding
3. The Real World Read more